Unlocking Hidden Features: Enabling Automatic Stock Valuation in Odoo 17 Community Edition
Unlock the hidden potential of Odoo 17 Community Edition by enabling automatic stock valuation. Dive into this concise guide to navigate through accessing and configuring this elusive feature, including setting up the necessary financial accounts to harmonize with either Continental or Anglo-Saxon accounting methods. Whether you’re viewing or editing financial accounts, step-by-step instructions and visual aids ensure you’re on the right path for optimized inventory management. Get started on upgrading your ERP efficiency today!
Unraveling the PostgreSQL Error: could not obtain lock on row in relation “ir_cron”
The “could not obtain lock on row in relation ‘ir_cron'” error in PostgreSQL arises during the execution of Odoo’s fetch_mail function when it fails to acquire a row lock due to prior locking by Odoo itself. The solution involves modifying a mail server write operation to use a custom context, preventing this conflict and ensuring smoother functioning.